In autumn, it is difficult for us, and the mood of many people becomes sad for no apparent reason. The less sunlight there is, the stronger this feeling becomes.
Why do we feel sad in autumn?
In the human body, there is an enzyme that converts the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin. The happiness hormone. The catalyst for this process is vitamin D. Which is produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. When there is a deficiency, a person’s mood deteriorates. People become bored and irritated over trivial matters, and even the reasons for joy become fewer.
The most depressive period is from mid-October to February.
During this time, many complain of a depressed and semi-sleepy state. This is because, due to the characteristics of the atmosphere in autumn and winter, sunlight struggles to reach the ground. During this time, people are dressed in a way that covers most of their skin. This means that the skin does not receive enough vitamin D.
A lack of vitamin D affects not only mood but also immunity. The body’s protective functions weaken, and a person begins to get sick more often, which does not contribute to an improvement in mood.
Those most prone to autumn melancholy are people whose work is associated with constant stress. Interestingly, women tend to cope with gloomy weather more poorly. For those who are weather-sensitive, especially the elderly, low pressure, which is characteristic of autumn weather, can be particularly challenging. Additionally, the absence of bright colors can become a real trial.
If the condition lasts more than two weeks, recurs year after year, and affects work performance. Then it is necessary to consult a specialist.If this condition lasts less. The mood varies from bad to good, we can usually cope with it on our own.
How to help the body

To improve our mood in the fall, we need to help our body, so it won’t be difficult or sad. This includes getting enough sleep, resting, walking, leading an active lifestyle, and eating properly. Regular physical activity helps produce endorphins, which boost mood. Sufficient and quality sleep is important for regulating mood. Try to create a comfortable sleeping environment. If possible, spend more time outdoors and get enough sunlight. Maintaining social connections and communicating with family and friends can help overcome feelings of loneliness. It is important to eat a balanced diet. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet. All of this supports your mood.
Although the main source of vitamin D is sunlight. Also comes to our body from food or supplements. For example, it is found in butter and fish. The deficiency of the sunshine vitamin can be fully compensated.