The effects of laughter on the body, emotions and stress

By admaskr Nov27,2024 #реферат
Is laughter good for your health? The effects of laughter on the body, emotions and stress

Laughter is a reaction of the body that causes the emergence of positive emotions.

Attack of laughter

During an attack of laughter, the following processes occur in our body: the chest and diaphragm oscillate, blood pressure and pulse increase, the face turns red, the upper body bends, and exhalation is done at a speed of almost 100 km/h.

Is it true that laughter is good for health?

Scientists have found that sincere laughter has a positive effect on the body: it supports breathing and makes the heart beat faster, improves blood circulation, strengthens the body’s defenses, improves digestion and – very importantly – stimulates the release of happiness hormones. At the same time, a person feels a sense of joy and satisfaction. Thus, thanks to laughter, the body is relieved of tension and gets a discharge.


Greenpeace has launched a fly swatter called “Give a Fly a Chance” with a 1×1 cm hole.

Laughter, as the immune system, helps fight infections. After a minute of genuine laughter, the body releases a large number of antibodies into the respiratory tract that protect against bacteria and viruses. Laughter also increases the production of white blood cells that fight various diseases, including cancer.

Laughter can even reduce pain. But this happens only when you laugh sincerely.

Laughter defeats stress. When we laugh, the physical load on all parts of the body increases. When we stop laughing, our body relaxes and calms down. So, laughter helps us get rid of physical and emotional tension. Scientists claim that a minute of genuine laughter is equivalent to 45 minutes of deep relaxation.

Can you pretend to laugh?

Can you pretend to laugh?

Yes, it is possible. But most often it does not come out very naturally. When someone smiles, they consciously raise the corners of their mouth so that their teeth are visible. Real laughter looks different. It also involves the eyes. The circular muscles around the eyes tighten, “crow’s feet” appear. These are small wrinkles around the eyes. It is impossible to consciously influence the facial expressions of the eyes. Therefore, when we pretend to laugh, our smile looks like a mask.

Why do people sometimes cry from laughter?

Just like pain or sadness, laughter affects the part of the brain that controls the functions of the body. At the same time, a signal is sent to the tear glands. Which begin to produce fluid – and we cry. Scientists suggest that we shed tears to show how we feel. That is, tears are a sign that we are experiencing strong feelings.