Why mosquitoes bite people: tips and facts

By admaskr Feb12,2025
Why mosquitoes bite people and how to become unpalatable to them: tips and facts

Mosquitoes are such tiny creatures that they have the ability to select their prey among us with precision down to the smallest detail. Why do mosquitoes bite people: tips and facts, and who do they choose most often? Let’s try to understand this issue, without complicated terms. But with real explanations that allow us to better understand the behavior of these insects.

Why do mosquitoes bite people?

At first glance, it may seem that mosquitoes just want to “bother” us. But in reality everything is much simpler – female mosquitoes bite in order to get blood. This is necessary for the development of their eggs. Males are completely indifferent to our blood, they feed on nectar and are not interested in “feeding” on humans.

Facts: Who do mosquitoes choose to bite?

This is a really interesting question, because sometimes it seems like some people are literally magnets for mosquitoes, while others are completely uninterested. Yes, it’s no coincidence! The choice of victim depends on several factors:

  1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) .
    Did you know that mosquitoes can “smell” the CO2 we exhale? It’s like a beacon for them! The more carbon dioxide we exhale, the more likely mosquitoes are to find us. That’s why people who are actively moving breathe more deeply. For example, after exercise or simply in the heat, they become more attractive to mosquitoes.
  2. Body temperature .
    Mosquitoes are also very sensitive to heat. People with a higher body temperature tend to attract more attention. Have you noticed that mosquitoes attack you more often in the summer or after exercise? This is because your body gives off more heat, and mosquitoes can hear it well.
  3. Chemicals on your skin .
    We all smell different, and it’s not just because of perfume or lotion. Acids, lactates, and other compounds that form on your skin when you sweat can make you more attractive to mosquitoes. For example, people with elevated levels of lactic acid, which is released by the skin after exercise, tend to be more “tasty” to mosquitoes.

How to become “unpalatable” to mosquitoes?

It is clear that it is impossible to protect yourself from mosquitoes completely. But you can significantly reduce your chances of becoming a victim. Here are some tips:

  • Repellents . This is the main way to avoid bites. And they really work, so don’t ignore creams and sprays.
  • Light-colored clothing . Mosquitoes tend to be more attracted to dark colors, so if you wear light-colored clothing, your chances of being bitten are reduced.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise during times when mosquitoes are most active . For example, morning and evening hours are peak mosquito activity.
  • Don’t smell too much . It’s not just about perfume – some foods, such as bananas, can also increase your attractiveness to mosquitoes. If you notice that you often get bitten after certain foods, it’s worth changing your diet.

Facts: How do mosquitoes find their prey?

Another interesting feature of mosquitoes is their ability to navigate using odors. They can smell sweat, lactic acid, lactate, even ammonia, which we excrete through our skin. This allows them to sense us from a distance. And it is not surprising that mosquitoes often choose people who are actively moving, even if there are many other people around.

If you think about it, having these “sensory” abilities in mosquitoes helps them accurately determine which of us might be a good source of blood for reproduction. This explains why some people are literally attracted to mosquitoes, while others seem to have no interest in them at all.

Do folk methods help?

There are many folk remedies for combating mosquitoes, and although some of them can really reduce the number of bites, it cannot be said that they give 100% result. For example, the aromas of herbs such as lavender, citronella or mint repel mosquitoes. If you do not want to use chemicals, you can try these herbs in the form of oil or even carry them in your pockets. However, it is worth remembering that these remedies are not as effective as repellents.

Tips: Ways to prevent bites at night

Mosquitoes are not only a problem during the day, but also at night. And to be honest, it’s even more annoying – they can wake us up just when we want to sleep! How can we avoid becoming a victim at night?

  • Mosquito nets . This is probably one of the most effective ways. You can hang nets around the bed or install them on the windows.
  • Mosquito lamps or home repellents . There are special devices that can scare mosquitoes away from your bedroom. If you don’t want to treat your body with chemicals before bed, this is a great option.
  • Room temperature : Mosquitoes don’t like the cold, so lowering the temperature in your room (especially at night) can help you feel more comfortable, while making the mosquitoes less comfortable.

Mosquitoes, although small, are true masters of their craft. They choose their “victims” with a precision that is not so easy to understand. But, as in any matter, there are secrets to reducing the likelihood of their bites. The right clothing, protective equipment, folk methods and small changes in your lifestyle will help you significantly reduce unpleasant encounters with these small “infernal creatures”.

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