It is necessary to consider Why hair: grows and cuts are more developed.
- 1 Why is the hair cut, the person does not feel pain?
- 2 What do hair and nails have in common?
- 3 Why is the hair of different people different colors?
- 4 Why does hair turn gray?
- 5 How can you dye your hair?
- 6 Why is hair straight or curly?
- 7 Why does hair sometimes stand up?
- 8 Why hair: Do all men grows and cuts beards?
- 9 Should men shave every day?
Why is the hair cut, the person does not feel pain?
The thing is that there are no nerves in the hair. Why hair: grows and cuts? The best way to answer this question is by comparison. What does hair have in common with a tulip?

A bulb appears. Only the hair bulb is contained in the skin. Deeper in the skin, the bulb turns into a hair papilla – a small conical formation in which blood vessels and nerves are located. Therefore, if the hair is pulled out, it will be painful. After all, the hair consists of cells, the keratinization of which begins even in the bulb. The cells become hard and only then come out. This is how hair grows.
What do hair and nails have in common?
Hair and nails consist of keratin, a protein responsible for the stability and shape of cells. Hair is very strong thanks to keratin. Only the roots of the hair are living cells, due to the reproduction of which the hair grows. The structure of nails is very similar to the structure of hair. In the skin, keratin is found mainly in the upper layer (epidermis) and protects the body from the effects of the environment.
On average, the length of our hair increases by 0.4 mm per day. It is 1-1.5 cm per month. Only bone marrow grows faster than hair in our body.
All the hair follicles we have were formed before we were born (this happens in the 5th month of fetal formation).
Our hair grows much faster in summer than in winter.
Stress, dehydration and lack of vitamins and minerals in the body significantly reduce the intensity of hair growth, and can even stop it.
Caffeine has a negative effect on hair growth because it removes water from the body.
Why is the hair of different people different colors?

Hair color is determined by the substance melanin. There are two types of melanins: eumelanins and pheomelanins. Eumelanins are typical for dark hair. Pheomelanin is found mainly in light and red hair. Individual hair color depends on the concentration of these substances: the hair of blondes and redheads contains relatively much pheomelanin and little eumelanin, and brunettes have the opposite.
Why does hair turn gray?
The older we get, the less melanin the body produces. Therefore, the hair color changes. Instead of coloring pigment, air bubbles appear in the hair, which shine silver-gray. When hair loses all color, it appears white.
How can you dye your hair?
Natural hair color can be changed in various ways. In the process of toning, particles of the coloring substance stick to the surface of the hair. Therefore, every time you wash your hair, the dye is partially washed away until it disappears completely. More stable hair dye contains particles that penetrate under the hair scales, that is, they get inside the hair and are no longer washed out.
Why is hair straight or curly?

This is due to the shape of the hair follicle. Straight hair grows from a round follicle, slightly curly hair grows from an oval follicle, and curly hair grows from an oval follicle. There is also a completely natural reason why dark-skinned people are born with curly hair: curls hold air better and thus form a natural air layer that protects the scalp from heat.
Why does hair sometimes stand up?
This is a manifestation of electrical interaction. If, for example, you rub a balloon against your hair, the hairs will be pulled behind the balloon and will swell. A similar effect is obtained when you take off your sweater. The reason for this phenomenon is that objects made of certain materials are able to accumulate and release an electric charge. If the charge is positive, it means that there is an excess of positively charged particles (such as positive ions) and a shortage of negatively charged particles (such as electrons), and vice versa.

Opposite charges are attracted to each other, identical charges repel each other. During friction, the balloon electrifies the hair – it gives it an electric charge, but it also electrifies itself. As a result, identically charged hairs repel each other and are attracted to the oppositely charged ball. A similar phenomenon can be observed before a thunderstorm, when an electric charge is transferred to the hair.
Hair has muscles, or rather, each hair in the scalp has its own tiny muscle. Do you remember the phrase “the hair stood on end”? These hair muscles are responsible for this effect. When we are scared or cold, they raise our hair. By the way, these muscles have a very strange structure. Spiral, which envelops the hair follicle, and our body needs them for thermoregulation. When the hair muscles contract due to the cold, it increases. The insulation of the hair follicles, helping to retain heat in the scalp. And vice versa – when the muscles relax, it helps to remove heat so that the scalp does not overheat.
Why hair: Do all men grows and cuts beards?
Mostly yes, because beard growth is determined genetically. Beard grows thanks to testosterone – the most important male sex hormone. Boys begin to grow beards during puberty, between the ages of 14 and 18. At first, the hair is very soft, but over time it becomes hard. Some men have thicker beards than others.
Should men shave every day?
On average, beard hair grows by 0.2 mm per day. That’s why most men really do shave every day. Some beard hair is not so thick. So such men can shave once every few days. In addition, there are men who grow their beards and shave only certain areas of their faces.