Not everything we eat is good for our health. What is the food pyramid? It is an optimal nutrition plan that experts have depicted in the form of a pyramid. It shows which foods we should eat in large quantities and which in smaller quantities. Water and drinks form the base that a person needs to survive. Therefore, drinks are the foundation of the pyramid. Grain products, fruits and vegetables are located one level higher. Meat, fish and dairy products occupy an even higher place. Sweets form the top of the pyramid, because we should eat them in small quantities.
- 1 What are carbohydrates?
- 2 Why do we need protein?
- 3 What are minerals?
- 4 What are micronutrients?
- 5 What are vitamins?
- 6 What happens if the body does not get enough vitamins?
- 7 What are ballistic substances?
- 8 Why shouldn’t you eat very fatty foods?
- 9 Why is it so important to eat fruits and vegetables?
- 10 What should you drink?
- 11 What is mineral water?
- 12 Why is milk good for health?
- 13 Joke of the day from the site funster.top:
What are carbohydrates?
We get the substances our body needs from food. One of the most important is carbohydrates. They provide cells with energy, which means they are responsible for keeping a person active and energetic. Most carbohydrates are found in fish products, beans, nuts, pasta, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables.
Why do we need protein?

Proteins are necessary for the body to create its own cells – the basic elements of the body – and to trigger certain metabolic reactions. In addition, proteins are an important means of transport for other substances, for example, for the constituent elements of blood – red blood cells. Antibodies to protect the body from diseases are also protein formations. Protein is the basis of muscle structure. But the excess protein that comes with food, our body processes into fat and stores it. Then we start to get fat.
What are minerals?
Our body cannot produce minerals on its own. We get them with food in the form of chemical compounds. Minerals are found in meat and fish, as well as in vegetables, fruits and water. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus are called macronutrients (macro – large), because the body needs a large amount of these substances – at least 100 mg daily. And substances such as iodine and iron are micronutrients. Our body needs a small amount of these substances.
Why does our body need minerals?
If the food contains insufficient amounts of minerals, for example iron or potassium, signs of a deficiency of one or another element appear, and the reactions taking place in the body do not proceed as nature intended. Those who, for example, suffer from iron deficiency, get tired quickly and complain of poor concentration. Sodium and potassium are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. To prevent signs of demineralization and maintain your health, it is very important to regularly consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Why is calcium needed?
Calcium is one of the most important macronutrients. It is a material for the growth and development of bones and teeth. In addition, it plays an important role in the process of blood clotting, the work of muscle tissue and nerves. Children and adolescents need a lot of calcium, because they are growing. To absorb calcium, our body also needs vitamin D. This vitamin can be formed in the body under the influence of sunlight. Calcium is found primarily in milk and dairy products (hard and soft cheese). But we also get it from vegetables, such as broccoli and white cabbage, as well as from poppy seeds and sesame seeds.
What are micronutrients?
Minerals that are present in our body in very small concentrations are called trace elements. Among others, these include iodine and iron. We need iron so that red blood cells can properly supply the body’s cells with oxygen. Iodine is needed for the thyroid gland to function. It produces hormones that are very important for energy metabolism. Although the amount of trace elements is insignificant, the body could not function normally without them.
What are vitamins?
Vitamins are a group of substances whose chemical composition is very diverse. These chemical compounds are not energy suppliers, they are not used to build cells. But they are necessary for normal life. Vitamins are not synthesized in the body, or are synthesized in insufficient quantities and must come from food. Today, scientists know more than 20 vitamins. Many varieties of fruits and vegetables are considered real sources of vitamins.
What happens if the body does not get enough vitamins?

Vitamins are involved in all processes that occur in the body. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, which protects us from diseases. Once upon a time, sailors on long voyages often did not receive fresh vegetables and fruits, which is why they got scurvy: their teeth fell out and their gums bled. And the reason was a lack of vitamin C. Now this disease still occurs in people who are starving.
What are ballistic substances?
Ballistic substances were once called dietary fibers, food components that are not digested by human digestive enzymes. But are processed by beneficial intestinal microflora. The group of dietary fibers includes carbohydrates, or rather, polysaccharides, as well as lignin, which does not belong to carbohydrates. Dietary fibers are found in cereals, legumes, vegetables, root vegetables, fruits, berries, citrus fruits, nuts, mushrooms and algae. This group of substances ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so dietary fibers are not ballast at all, they are vital components of a healthy diet.
Why shouldn’t you eat very fatty foods?
Fats are a powerful source of energy. A person gets these substances from oil, meat, fish, eggs, milk and some other products. If the energy obtained with food is not spent, the body stores the excess in the form of its own fats, which have a harmful effect, in particular, clogging the lumens in the arteries, causing a dangerous disease – atherosclerosis. In addition, fats that accumulate in our body are able to retain various harmful substances and toxins. They contribute to the deterioration of the immune system and brain. But all this does not mean that you should completely abandon fats. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by mass should be 1:1:4.
Why is it so important to eat fruits and vegetables?
Fruits and vegetables contain many substances that help our bodies stay healthy. These include vitamins, micro and macro elements. They help us think faster and concentrate better, and maintain good physical shape. As children and adolescents grow and learn, everything is much easier for them if they eat right.
What should you drink?

Without liquid, a person can live only a few days. Our body constantly needs liquid in the form of drinks – at least 1.5-2 liters per day. At elevated temperatures or after prolonged muscle tension, even more liquid is needed. Water regulates body temperature. But juice, fruit or herbal tea will also benefit our body.
What is mineral water?
Mineral water is sold in bottles in any store. What is mineral water and why is it called that? Natural water passes through various rocks on its way. Some of the minerals (natural chemical compounds) contained in these rocks are soluble. So the water gradually becomes mineralized. Some salts that pass into the water during mineralization are beneficial for health. There is a distinction between table mineral water. Which all healthy people can drink every day.
The salt content in such water is not high. It is this type of water that goes on sale. There is also therapeutic table water, which healthy people can drink not very often. But can be used as a medicine as prescribed by a doctor. The salt content in such water is somewhat higher. The highest concentration of salts is in therapeutic water. Which doctors prescribe to treat certain diseases. It is usually purchased at a pharmacy.
Why is milk good for health?

As long as we consume milk in the right amounts, it provides a lot of benefits. Milk and dairy products – hard and soft cheese, sour cream, yogurt, etc. – contain a lot of calcium. Calcium supports muscle function and strengthens teeth and bones. Children whose bones are growing should drink a glass of milk every day. In addition, milk protein contains amino acids necessary for the creation and repair of body cells. And fresh milk contains many important vitamins.
More on this topic of nutrition:
Joke of the day from the site funster.top:

Two friends in the gym on the exercise machines:
— Oh, look, I found a food pyramid here!
— And what?
— Well, at the top — chips, chocolates and fried meat.
— Wow, how are you going to lose weight like that?
— But I turned the pyramid upside down! Now chips are at the bottom, and at the top — water and broccoli!😊