There are different types of Thermometer for measuring temperature. Inside the thermometer is a material that changes its physical properties when heated or cooled.
Liquid thermometers
A liquid temperature thermometer contains mercury or alcohol, which expands when heated and can return to its original volume when cooled. The liquid is in a glass tube sealed on both sides. It is attached to a degree scale so that the temperature level can be determined. Such thermometers should be gently shaken before each use so that the column falls.
Gas thermometers
The readings of gas thermometers are affected by the pressure of the internal gas, which can expand or contract depending on the temperature.
Electronic thermometer
In electronic thermometers, temperature changes are recorded by an electronic sensor that displays the corresponding numbers on the screen.
Mechanical thermometers
Mechanical thermometers look like a clock with an arrow. Inside is a metal plate that bends and shifts the scale needle when heated. The main quality of such devices is durability.
Thermometer for measuring temperature: infrared
The operation of infrared thermometers does not require direct contact with the object. They are equipped with special thermal sensors that, when pointed at the body, determine the level of thermal radiation and convert these data into temperature readings.
No thermometer measures temperature itself, but only the change in physical characteristics of materials associated with an increase or decrease in temperature. All known devices for measuring temperature can be divided into groups: contact, non-contact, electrical contact.
A thermometer for measuring temperature should be in every first aid kit.