Teeth: composition and types – how to clean properly

By admaskr Aug31,2024
Teeth: composition and types - how to clean properly

We need to dive into the world of knowledge and find out what we know about – Teeth. What are they made of? Why do people have different types of teeth and how to clean them properly.

What are teeth made of?

The outer part of the tooth is the crown. The neck of the tooth and the root fix it in the jaw. A tooth consists of several layers. Zones – the strongest layer – tooth enamel. Beneath the enamel is dentin, a substance similar in structure to bone. The core of the tooth is called the pulp. Blood vessels and nerve fibers are located here, which is why pain appears when the dentist drills the tooth very deeply. Fortunately, painkillers are administered to the patient.

Why do people have different types of teeth?

The number of permanent teeth is from 28 to 32. There are four types of permanent teeth. Incisors are needed for grasping and cutting food, canines – for tearing off hard food. With the help of premolars, food is captured and torn, and with the help of molars, it is crushed and ground, which requires great effort. Third molars are called wisdom teeth because they appear after 18 years.

What are baby teeth?

A child at the age of about 7-9 months, and sometimes even earlier, begins to cut teeth: first the lower incisors, and then the upper incisors. By the age of 3, the baby already has 20 milk teeth in his mouth – 10 each on the upper and lower jaw (2 incisors, a canine and two molars – corner teeth). At the age of about 5 years, permanent teeth begin to erupt. The first molars appear first, and by the age of 12-13 children usually have 28 teeth. Wisdom teeth (third molars) erupt much later.

Why does the hole at the site of a fallen tooth seem larger when we feel it with our tongue instead of our finger?

Touch sensitivity is different on the tongue and on the fingers, because there are not the same number of receptors. Compared to all the organs of touch, the tip of the tongue has the most tactile bodies. Therefore, we can feel even minor differences with the tip of our tongue.

How to brush your teeth correctly?

how to brush teeth

Brushing your teeth is not a modern invention. In ancient times, people also took care of their teeth, and used various most unexpected techniques. For example, they rubbed their teeth with onions. In India, instead of toothpaste, the ashes of burnt horns and cattle hooves were used. Bark, various twigs – everything came in handy. Today we have a toothbrush and toothpaste. But correct brushing technique is very important. It is necessary to brush the teeth in three directions: from the outside, from the inside and along the chewing part. When cleaning the outside and inside, you should put the brush on the transition area from the surface of the tooth to the gums at an angle of approximately 45 to the tooth.

  • You need to brush your teeth after every meal.

Why sweets are bad for teeth?

Why sweets are bad for teeth?

Candies, chocolate and lemonade are very tasty, but they are not good for your teeth because they contain a lot of sugar. Bacteria that live in the oral cavity feed on sugar. As a result of the activity of bacteria, sugar turns into acid. It eats away tooth enamel, and caries occurs.