Secrets of sleep: causes and phenomena

By admaskr Nov30,2024 #реферат
Secrets of sleep: causes and phenomena

Secrets of sleep: causes and phenomena. Why do we sometimes sleep badly?

To fall asleep, it is not enough to be simply tired. When you have experienced something exciting, for example, watched an action movie, attended a holiday party or know that tomorrow there is an important meeting or trip, you most likely will not be able to fall asleep right away, no matter how tired you are. In order to fall asleep, you need to relax, the brain must calm down. A kind of ritual before going to bed will help you with this. You can, for example, listen to quiet music or read a good book.

Secrets – why do we have nightmares?

Very often, nightmares occur if a person has witnessed some difficult event, for example, an accident. Nightmares can be so terrible that a person cries in his sleep or wakes up screaming.

Secrets - why do we have nightmares?

As a rule, the fear disappears as soon as the light is turned on and the person realizes that it is all just a dream. Nightmares can remind of some serious problem. If they are constantly repeated, you need to consult a doctor.

Secrets of sleep: causes and phenomena. Why do some people shudder in their sleep?

Shuddering in a dream is a completely harmless phenomenon. They shudder, plunging into sleep. The more tense a person is, the more likely they are to shudder when falling asleep or in a dream. Most often this is due to the fact that one of the muscles relaxes faster than the others. Sometimes we dream that we are falling. When we land in a dream, we also shudder.

Why can we so rarely remember what we dreamed?

Why can we so rarely remember what we dreamed?

Some people claim that they never dream. But this is not true. Everyone dreams every night. But we can only remember a dream when we wake up during the dream. Why dreams are forgotten so quickly can only be speculated. One explanation may be that our brain is unable to store memories during sleep.

Mysteries of Sleep: Sleepwalking

Sleepwalking, or somnambulism, occurs most often in children and adolescents and gradually disappears with the end of puberty.

Mysteries of Sleep: Sleepwalking

However, adults can also walk in their sleep. Sleepwalkers get out of bed and move around without waking up. Scientists believe that during sleepwalking, the sleeper is absorbed in daytime worries. For example, searching for a lost thing. Fortunately, injuries during sleepwalking are rare. By the way, sleepwalking is characteristic only of humans. Its manifestations have never been observed in animals.

What happens in the brain during sleepwalking?

Even when we sleep, the brain is not asleep, it just works less actively. Sleepwalking is a disorder at the moment of awakening. While our consciousness is still asleep, the body has already woken up. Sleepwalking can last from several minutes to half an hour. Typical for all sleepwalkers is that in the morning they cannot remember their sleep adventures.

Joke of the day:

Joke of the day:

– What?
– I hit the neighbor’s Lexus with a rock!
–… Boy, what do you want from me?!